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Jaws Movie Review

The movie that I chose to watch for the second movie review is Jaws. Obviously I have heard a lot of good things about this movie and this project gave me an opportunity to finally watch it. This movie is a lot easier to summarize compared to the Silence of The Lambs. The movie starts with a young girl who is really excited to go swimming. So she runs into the water at swims very far out. Then she start to feel something pushing her feet. Soon enough she is getting attacked by the shark. The next day when the police chief finds out he realizes that there could be a big problem with the fourth of July coming up. The mayor thinks that they need to have the beach open for all of the tourists that come to town for this holiday. Martin Brody the police chief realizes that the shark is a really big problem and tries to convince the mayor to close down the beaches for public safety. The mayor refuses to close the beach so the town can make more money. Martin challenges all of the fisherman to try to catch the shark. After no one can catch the shark and more incidents occur of the shark attacking people, Martin decides to try to kill the shark with a small boat and a small crew.

I really liked this movie, it was interesting to watch and had a very good plot I thought. I really liked the flow of the movie. Something that I liked while watching the movie is the ongoing feud with the mayor and police chief. I liked it because if I was the mayor in that situation I definitely would close down the beaches so no one could even think about getting killed. But instead the mayor was so driven by making money and giving the torrests what they want without ever really telling them there are sharks in the water. Something that I didn’t like but something that I kind of expected is how not real the shark actually looks. I know that this movie was made in 1975 and the special effects are not going to be up to par with today's special effects. However I am used to today's special effects and the shark was quite fake. One of the things that we talked about in class and was really cool to see in the actual movie is the dolly zoom. The dolly zoom was put into the movie when the police chief hears someone yelling shark and the zoom make it look like everything is moving away while the camera is moving toward him. It is really hard to explain but it make the feeling that the whole world stops while he is thinking about the shark attacking again.

I really would recommend this film to other people because I think it is a must watch at some point in your life. Although the shark looks a little fake throughout the movie I really wanted to know how the movie ended. There was a bunch of different ways that I thought it could have ended. So I would definitely recommend this movie to other people.

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