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Interview #1


This was my first time interviewing someone in a really long time. I asked all of the basic questions and kinda got stuck. I kinda just started asking random questions, like what is your favorite food or something like that. When I was editing this video one thing that I noticed I should have reminded her to repeat the questions and give a little space in between my question and her response. Overall, the interview went pretty good and I learned a lot about Shirley.

Being Interviewed

Being interviewed this year feels a lot different than last year. I felt more comfortable behind the camera. I feel like the questions being asked didn't really have a lot of correlation with the previous question. But, I feel like for the most part I did a good job repeating the question. It was really sunny out so It was hard to keep my eyes open. Overall, I felt like this interview went pretty good.

Behind the camera

Being behind the camera you don't really do to much. But I set up the camera and I felt like it was a pretty good shot. I think that it could have been a little higher up but he lighting was definitely very good. A couple of times I helped out Shirley with asking questions.


Interview #2

Being the second interview it was a lot easier. It was a lot more easy to come up with questions especially when you know the person you are interviewing. It is a little less weird because I knew what he Is interested in. In the beginning of the video I forgot to tell Tommy to repeat the question but he did a pretty good job. Other than that I feel like I asked some pretty good questions that fed off of each other. 

Being Interviewed

Being the second time around interviewed I was definitely a lot more comfortable. I think this also has a lot to do with who was interviewing me. Since the person interviewing me is my friend it was easier to answer the questions and could be more comfortable. The questions were all pretty easy to answer and I felt like I did a good job annunciating and looking at the person interviewing me.

Behind the Camera

Being behind the camera this time was very different and probably a lot easier. Since, I was with two other studio kids we all kind of knew what to do so I didn't set up the camera in the beginning. I closed the blinds in the back round. Although when Logan sat down the camera had to be adjusted just a little bit. I also changed the focus. I also remembered to say cameras rolling and action. I did not remember that in the first one.

Interviews #3


The third time around of interviewing went pretty well for the most part. I feel like I did a good job of bouncing question off of each other and I feel like I covered a wide variety of different questions/topics. At times it was a little had to come up with different questions and I probably should have talked about what she wanted to do after high school. I missed out on that information. I forgot to tell Shelby to repeat the question in the answer but she still did a pretty good job repeating the questions.

Being Interviewed 

Being interviewed for the third time was definitely a lot more comfortable than the first one but I don't think it was as good as the second interview. I felt like answering a lot of the same questions over and over again. So it got a little old but I felt like I annunciated very well. I felt like the questions didn't relate to well with each other but it was a solid interview. Also, not knowing the person interviewing me at all, was a little weird at first.

Behind the Camera 

Being behind the camera for the third time, I was definitely the most comfortable. I was the most experienced so I set up the camera but I didn't choose the spot. I felt like I did I good job of setting up the camera and the frame was good. I was behind the camera last and I realized that the film was a little uneven, so I fixed it and got a good shot. I also, had to adjust the tripod just a little for the last one because she was shorter.

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